This script checks the lifetime of the OpenVPN Certifications, for Roadwarrior and Net-to-Net connections.
This script may be used, expanded and supplemented. Thanks again to ummeegge for his work!
OVP-Check Cert Script
The script was exemplarily saved on /mnt/mo_scripts/ directory. The script needs to be made ​​executable.
This script must be stored on the server side.
Note as of Core Update 186:- This script is written on the basis of using the sendemail addon which was removed from IPFire in Core Update 158 (approximately three years ago).
The script code needs to be reviewed and modified to either use the dma mail server built into IPFire or the postfix addon.
It will not function as currently written
filename =
#!/bin/bash -
# $author: ummeegge ipfire org ; $date: 20.10.2017 - 15:24:08
# This script checks OpenVPNs index.txt for how much time is left
# until a client certificate will be expired.
# Certificats with OpenSSL maximum (999999) are excluded.
# Time should be configured by the individual needs,
# but is currently configured to 5 days.
# Days before can be defined in the "ALERT=5" variable.
# An own Email account should be present for this since the Email account
# password are stored in cleartext in the script.
# Script provides Email encryption via GPG but is currently commented in the main part.
# An howto setup can be found in here --> .
# Email function is currently commented cause it needs to be setup first.
# Own Email credentials needs to be set in the script (sections are marked).
# Script can be placed e.g. into /etc/fcron.daily .
# All paths has been set absolute so the fcron environment should find all binaries.
## Paths, directories and files
# Needed binary locations
# Email text
DATELIST="List of OpenVPN certificate expiration dates from $(hostname) - $(date)";
DATELISTA="Already revoked certificates and such with OpenSSL maximum are not listed in here.";
DATELISTB="You will deliver mails also for '0 days left' certificates. If they are presant you should clean them up.";
## Check for needed dependencies
# sendEmail check
if [ ! -e "${SENDMAIL}" ]; then
/bin/echo -e "Can´t find needed sendEmail binary. Please install it via Pakfire first.";
exit 1;
# index.txt check
if [ -s "${FILE}" ]; then
/bin/echo -e "The certificate index is empty or not presant, please add first clients.";
exit 1;
# Check for workdir otherwise create it
if [ -e "${WORKDIR}" ]; then
/bin/rm -rf ${WORKDIR};
/bin/mkdir ${WORKDIR};
/bin/mkdir ${WORKDIR}
############################### ADD HERE YOUR INDIVIDUAL DATA ##########################################################
# ----- How much days should be left until an alert should be fired -----
# ----- Please configure here your specific Email data ------
MESSAGE="From $(date)";
SUBJECT="From $(date) OVPN expiring date has been reached";
#################################################### Main part #########################################################
## Searcher
certs_date=$(/usr/bin/awk '/^V/ {print $2}' ${INDEX} | cut -c1-6 | grep -E '^1|^2');
## Time values
NOW=$(date +%s);
# 24 hours in seconds
## Mail preparation
# Copy CNs from index.txt to counter list.
# Without already revoked certificates but also no host certificate
grep '^V' ${INDEX} | sed 1d | grep -o 'CN=.*' > ${CERTLIST};
## Calculation
for i in ${certs_date}; do
# Convert index.txt time to UNIX time
UNTIL=$(date -d "${i}" +%s);
# Calculate differences
DIFF=$(( ${UNTIL} - ${NOW} ));
# Convert UNIX time to days
REST=$(( ${DIFF} / ${DAY} ));
# Text with integrated result
echo "${REST} days are left for user with the common name - ";
done >> ${COUNTERLIST};
# Merge lists withanother
/usr/bin/paste {$COUNTERLIST,$CERTLIST} > ${MERGED};
# Check for alert and prepare mail
/usr/bin/awk -v var="$ALERT" '$1<=var' ${MERGED} | sed 's/^-//g' > ${MAIL};
# Check if alert should be fired
if [ $(/bin/ls -l ${MAIL} | /usr/bin/awk '{print $5}') -ne 0 ]; then
sed -i -e "1s/^/$(printf '%*s\n' "${COLUMNS:-$(tput cols)}" '' | tr ' ' -;)\n\n/" \
-e "1s/^/${DATELIST}\n/" \
-e "1s/^/$(printf '%*s\n' "${COLUMNS:-$(tput cols)}" '' | tr ' ' -;)\n/" ${MAIL};
# Next line can be deleted if Email as been set up. Line is only for testing pruposes
/bin/echo "Will fire an alert... ";
/bin/echo -e "\n\n${DATELISTA}\n" >> ${MAIL};
/bin/echo -e "${DATELISTB}\n" >> ${MAIL};
# Send alert via sendEmail encrypted with GPG
# To activate it after installation, uncomment the following lines
#${GPG} --encrypt -a --recipient "${PUBKEYID}" "${MAIL}";
#-s "${SMTPADDRESS}" \
#-u "${SUBJECT}" \
#-m "${MESSAGE}" \
#-xu "${MAILNAME}" \
#-xp "${MAILPASS}" \
logger -t OpenVPN-cert-check "Warning: One or more OpenVPN certificates has been expired. Email alert has been send... ";
# Clean up workdir
/bin/rm -rf ${WORKDIR};
After depositing or creation the script must be still made executable:
chmod +x
For a regular check by the above script can be called by a Cronjob for the Script. (The script no longer exists in the IPFire Documentation)
fcrontab -e
Specify the desired frequency, here every 8 hours, for the cronjob.
# ovp cert status
0 */8 * * * /mnt/harddisk/scripts/
- The Sendmail-Function is off in this Script. Edit this lines to send the Status announcement to your E-Mail Address.
- Current home of this script can be found in here . This link is no longer active. The script no longer looks to be available in the gitlab repo.