Step 1:
- Copy the firmware to /lib/firmware/mrvl/* and the program uaputl to /usr/bin/. These files can be downloaded from the DreamPlug-Site or from the link (DreamPlug Downloads).
- After restarting IPFire the Wlan-interface can be configured over the setup menu.
The interface will be identified as “Unknown Network Interface uap0” during the setup. The Hostapd Addon is not compatible with this hardware. - Therefore the WlanAP must be configured with the program uaputl.
Step 2:
- The following link Dreamplug Downloads contains a zip-File (, which includes the config-file (uaputl.conf).
Step 3:
- Adapt the file
- I made the following changes:
SSID="Marvell Micro AP" # SSID of Micro AP
# AuthMode=0 Comment this line out
Protocol=32 # 32: WPA2
# WPA/WPA2 PSK setting
PairwiseCipher=8 # Pairwise cipher type 8: AES CCMP
GroupCipher=8 # group cipher type 8: AES CCMP
PSK="1234567890" # WPA/WPA2 passphrase
- The other settings are OK.
Commands to start the WlanAP
/usr/bin/uaputl -i blue0 sys_config /root/uaputl.conf
/usr/bin/uaputl -i blue0 bss_start
Commands to stop the WlanAP
/usr/bin/uaputl -i blue0 bss_stop
/usr/bin/uaputl -i blue0 sys_reset
Automatically start the WlanAP at system start
- Edit the file /etc/sysconfig/rc.local
- I copied both files uaputl.conf and the script that you will find at the end of this site into the home-directory of root (/root/)
Only one entry is needed (rc.local):
/root/<Name of the script> start
Note! |
If the configuration file is not successfully loaded but the AP is activated, you have an open Wlan because default values are loaded. |
Other configurations
After these steps you can configure the remaining settings over the web interface (access to blue, DHCP, etc.)
Script to start, restart and stop
if [ -e $pfadUaputlConfig ]; then
/usr/bin/uaputl -i $interface sys_config $pfadUaputlConfig
if [ $? -eq 0 ]; then # Checks if the last command was successfully completed (exit 0)
/usr/bin/uaputl -i $interface bss_start
if [ $? -eq 0 ]; then
# Set Wlan Led
echo 1 > `eval ls /sys/class/leds/dreamplug\:blue\:wlanap/brightness`
echo "Configuration file couldn't be found $pfadUaputlConfig"
exit 1;
return 0
# Reset config
/usr/bin/uaputl -i $interface bss_stop
sleep 1
/usr/bin/uaputl -i $interface sys_reset
echo 0 > `eval ls /sys/class/leds/dreamplug\:blue\:wlanap/brightness`
if [ $# = 1 ]; then # Checks for one parameter
if [ $1 == start ]; then # If the first parameter is start
elif [ $1 == restart ]; then
elif [ $1 == stop ]; then
echo "Invalid parameter ; $1"
echo "Possible parameter: start, restart or stop"
echo "One parameter necessary: start, restart or stop"