Support was added with IPFire 2.27 - Core Update 164

The NanoPi R4S (as "R4S") is a FriendlyElec mini-router with edge-computing and dual Gbps Ethernet ports. Its dimension is 66 mm x 66 mm. The NanoPi R4S uses Rockchip's RK3399.

NanoPi R4S Specifications

  • Rockchip RK3399
  • 1GB DDR3 / 4GB LPDDR4
  • 1 MicroSD card slot for external storage up to 128GB
  • 2x Gigabit LAN
    • one native Gigabit Ethernet, and one PCIe Gigabit Ethernet
  • USB 3.0 Host x2: USB Type A

IPFire using the Serial Port at baud rate of 115200 n8. The R4S connects via a 3.3V TTL, 3-pin 2.54mm pitch connector.

It's a quite good idea to establish a permanent connection to the debug-port of the R4S, so you might want to drill a small hole above the SD-slot into the case.

Put your crimped cable through the hole. Remove the thermal pad and apply some thermal grease.

Connect your cable an check, that Putty is able to establish a connection to your R4S.


If you have problems booting without the serial interface connected, add a 10k ohm resistor between GND and RX.

Download ipfire (aarch64) from here and verify the sha256 checksum.

Copy it to the raw-device of your micro-sd card using dd:

xzcat ~/Downloads/ipfire-2.27-coreXXX-aarch64.img.xz > /dev/sdX

Now copy the bootloader image for NanoPi R4s to the sd-card:

mount /dev/sdX3 /mnt
cd /mnt/usr/share/u-boot/nanopi_r4s
dd if=u-boot-rockchip.bin of=/dev/sdX bs=1k seek=32
cd -
umount /mnt