- Adolf
- Peter
- Michael
- Arne
- Jonatan
- Stefan
- Daniel (arrived late)
Core Update 170
- Went pretty fine so far, Peter kept more or less track of all the patches
- BorgBackup patchset will get a second revision, wait for feedback/notice from Adolf
- Kernel hardening changes, some more are going to come
will be dropped to cut attack surface, Peter will take care of it
- Otherwise, ipblocklist add-on, lots of package updates
ARM situation
- Some ARM(64) boards floating around there basically work, but we are not building all the drivers needed
- "Green" icon on the ARM wiki page does not mean "buy this device"
- Peter will update the wiki accordingly
- No vetoes against dropping 32-bit ARM, will move this to the list
partition is too small for the future
- 256 MByte is more sane than going straight up to 512 MByte
- Michael hands in a patch increasing the partition
- He will also create a wiki page where we can point users to who are experiencing the problem
- Do we want to go for tailored initial ramdisks?
- Virtual environments may break during upgrades
- Changed hardware equipment may also render installations unbootable
- Consensus: We will increase the
partition, not trying to squeeze all the bits out
has landed in Debian
- Will land as stable in Debian Bullseye
- Adolf volounteered for packaging
for Arch Linux (thanks!)
News from IPFire 3.x / Pakfire / ...
- Michael worked on the web app side of Pakfire (package details, etc.)
- Repositories can now be pushed to mirror servers individually
- Running Pakfire as unprivileged user requires lots of work
- Lots of stuff under the hood
Next conference moved to September 12th