January 3rd, 2022 - Happy New Year!
- Adolf
- Arne
- Jonatan
- Michael
- Peter
Core Update 163 and beyond
- Arne has access to a probably affected board, tries to reproduce USB networking device issues
- Depending on his findings, we are releasing a new kernel in a "emergency" Core Update
needs to be updated, Peter takes care of this one
- Core Update 163 has some spare size left for
New IPS features by Stefan
Testing feedback?
- Arne runs it, works fine but does not really introduces noticeable improvements
- Ready to go, will be included with the next kernel
- Firewall changes
- Exporting
networks missing, Michael sends an mail
- Blog post needed
Suricata DNS bug
- Appears on an IPFire behind an IPFire, running Suricata on the first one, behind a slow internet connection
- Unbound traffic blocked for some reason, nothing logged
- Issue with DNSSEC key material
- Stefan somehow enabled logging for this case
- Could be related to RFC 5011, only appears after a while (within the range of minutes or hours?)
- Peter raises a bug for this (EDIT: Done, see bug #12765)
Deprecation of 32-bit ARM
- Arne: No cheap hardware to replace it
- A tiny firewall being incapable of running IPS is better than no firewall at all, especially for poorer areas of the world
- Kernel situation is better than it was for 32-bit Intel
- Userspace support is diminishing slowly, 32-bit ARM has a limited lifetime
- Consent:
- Michael will update hardware page on the wiki to discourage against buying new 32-bit ARM SoCs
- Same for list of ARM devices supported
IPFire developer summit 2022
- Berlin is set as a location, Hamburg's out
- Michael asks Mozilla if COVID policies fit, checks other locations
- Michael prepares mail, creates date survey (late April, early May, ...)
Changes to our donation process
Analysis of Amit Klein: Subverting Stateful Firewalls with Protocol States