I needed a reasonably complete development environment including git (which was not already included in my machine).
if git was not previously install then run:
sudo apt git
Then I create my sandbox for my experiments and filled it with the current revision:
$ mkdir sandbox
$ cd sandbox
$ sudo git clone git://git.ipfire.org/ipfire-2.x.git
Cloning into 'ipfire-2.x'...
remote: Enumerating objects: 62, done.
remote: Counting objects: 100% (62/62), done.
remote: Compressing objects: 100% (56/56), done.
remote: Total 148087 (delta 17), reused 0 (delta 0), pack-reused 148025
Receiving objects: 100% (148087/148087), 55.49 MiB | 18.02 MiB/s, done.
Resolving deltas: 100% (102395/102395), done.
$ cd ipfire-2.x
$ sudo ./make.sh downloadsrc
Preload all source files
7zip (17.04) [ DONE ]
acl (2.3.1) [ DONE ]
acpid (2.0.32) [ DONE ]
alac (0.0.7) [ DONE ]
Then, after a LOOOOOONG time
zerofree (1.1.1) [ DONE ]
zlib (1.2.11) [ DONE ]
zstd (1.5.1) [ DONE ]
***Verifying md5sums
all files md5sum match [ DONE ]
Now we need to get the toolchain, which cannot be built on a 64bit machine (it is a good idea to get it anyways, since compilation time is substantial).
$ sudo ./make.sh gettoolchain
Nov 15 20:03:22: Load toolchain tar.gz for i686
Nov 15 20:06:04: toolchain md5 ok
Now we are all set to start the first, normal compilation:
$ sudo ./make.sh build
Using installed toolchain [ SKIP ]
Resetting our nice level to 10 [ DONE ]
Checking if we're running as root user [ DONE ]
Checking for necessary space on disk [ DONE ]
*** Building LFS version options time (sec) status
stage2 [ ipfire ] [ 1 ] [ DONE ]
linux-libc-header [ ] [ 5 ] [ DONE ]
man-pages [ 2.34 ] [ 12 ] [ DONE ]
glibc [ 2.3.6 ]
. . .
. . .
util-linux [ 2.12r ] [ 11 ] [ DONE ]
vim [ 7.0 ] [ 38 ] [ DONE ]
grub [ 0.97 ] [ 16 ] [ DONE ]
*** Building IPFire (Last stage took 1790 secs) version options time (sec) status
configroot [ ipfire ] [ 1 ] [ DONE ]
backup [ ipfire ] [ 0 ] [ DONE ]
dhcp [ 3.1.0 ] [ 21 ] [ DONE ]
. . .
. . .
minicom [ 2.4 ] [ 14 ] [ DONE ]
ddrescue [ 1.12 ] [ 2 ] [ DONE ]
imspector [ 20101008 ] [ 23 ] [ DONE ]
*** Building installer (Last stage took 11284 secs) version options time (sec) status
as86 [ 0.16.17 ] [ 1 ] [ DONE ]
mbr [ 1.1.8 ] [ 3 ] [ DONE ]
memtest [ 4.10 ] [ 2 ] [ DONE ]
pcmciautils [ 014 ] [ 2 ] [ DONE ]
installer [ ipfire ] [ 2 ] [ DONE ]
initrd [ ipfire ] [ 35 ] [ DONE ]
*** Building packages (Last stage took 1058 secs) version options time (sec) status
strip [ ipfire ] [ 40 ] [ DONE ]
Generating packages list from logs [ DONE ]
cdrom [ ipfire ] [ ED=full ][ 136 ] [ DONE ]
usb-stick [ ipfire ] [ ED=full ][ 22 ] [ DONE ]
flash-images [ ipfire ] [ ED=full ][ 134 ] [ FAIL ]
ERROR: Building flash-images ED=full
Check /home/mcon/sandbox/ipfire-2.x/log/_build.packages.log for errors if applicable
Oops, what went wrong?
It turns out it's a problem of interaction with ubuntu/gnome handling of mounted filesystems: when a filesystem is mounted ubuntu scans it to present it in the “Places” menu. If it will be unmounted too soon it may still be “busy”.
This may be cured inserting a delay in the right place i.e.: …/lfs/flash-images#170
should become:
sed -i -e "s|6:2345:respawn:|#6:2345:respawn:|g" $(MNThdd)/etc/inittab
sed -i -e "s|#7:2345:respawn:|7:2345:respawn:|g" $(MNThdd)/etc/inittab
sleep 10 #<-- this line added by MCon
umount $(MNThdd)/boot
umount $(MNThdd)
Restart the build. This time everything is fine:
installer [ ipfire ] [ 0 ] [ DONE ]
initrd [ ipfire ] [ 0 ] [ DONE ]
*** Building packages (Last stag version) options time (sec) status
strip [ ipfire ] [ 49 ] [ DONE ]
Generating packages list from logs [ DONE ]
cdrom [ ipfire ] [ ED=full ][ 140 ] [ DONE ]
usb-stick [ ipfire ] [ ED=full ][ 22 ] [ DONE ]
flash-images [ ipfire ] [ ED=full ][ 213 ] [ DONE ]
core-updates [ ipfire ] [ 2 ] [ DONE ]
7zip [ 4.65 ] [ 0 ] [ DONE ]
alsa [ 1.0.23 ] [ 1 ] [ DONE ]
watchdog [ 5.9 ] [ 0 ] [ DONE ]
xfsprogs [ 2.9.4 ] [ 0 ] [ DONE ]
xvid [ 1.2.1 ] [ 0 ] [ DONE ]
xen-image [ ipfire ] [ ED=full ][ 200 ] [ DONE ]
Generating files list from logs [ DONE ]
*** Checking Logfiles for new Fi versionge options1 s time (sec) status
Changes in cdrtools-2.01.01 check rootfile!
***Build is finished now and took 0 hour(s) 12 minute(s) 24 second(s)!
At this point you have a completely rebuilt IPFire and we can turn to building something new.