All of the backup console commands on one page!

Here are the available options for the backupctrl command:

[root@ipfire ~]# /usr/local/bin/backupctrl
Usage: [ include | exclude | restore | addonbackup <addon> | restoreaddon <addon> | iso | list ]

Generate a backup file including the logs:

backupctrl include

Generate a backup file without the logs:

backupctrl exclude

Restore an IPFire backup:

backupctrl restore <filename>

Create a backup of a specific add-on:

backupctrl addonbackup <add-on>

Restore the backup for a specific add-on:

backupctrl restoreaddon <add-on>

Backup of IPFire and includes .iso images.

The .iso images are very handy if the IPFire device fails or if an update fails.

backupctrl iso

List the files named

Files within the /var/ipfire/backup/include and /var/ipfire/backup/include.user. These files are part of the backup.

backupctrl list