"Unrestricted IP/MAC" nor Banned IP/MAC addresses . Members of the group "Extended" are also not affected by this restrictions, if the proxy is used with “Local authentication”.
The Download throttling = (delay_pools, delay_class, delay_initial_bucket_level) offers the possibility to set not only a zone based ("green" and "blue") throttling of the download speed, but also a host based one with specified values. Here, the bandwidth of the zone is defined as the entire speed, while throttling per host divides the total bandwidth of the zone between the hosts. From this perspective, the limitation of the hosts should be a divisible amount of the zone limitation.

Overall limit on Green: = (delay_access 1 allow IPFire_green_network for_throttled_urls, delay_parameters 1) This parameter defines the total throttling in KiloBit/sec. of the "green zone". This limit includes the sum of all clients located in the "green zone".
Limit per host on Green: = (delay_access 1 allow IPFire_green_network for_throttled_urls, delay_parameters 1) defines the throttling of the particular clients in the "green zone".
Example |
There are 40 clients to throttle in the green zone and the maximum limit is 128 kbit/s per client. If the limiting is set to total Green: 5120 kbit/s, the value would be achieved with a 128 kbit/s "Limit per host on "Green:". |
Overall limit on Blue: = (delay_access 2 allow IPFire_blue_network, delay_parameters 2) This parameter defines the total throttling in KiloBit/sec. of the "blue zone". Allocation as under green.
Limit per host on Blue: = (delay_access 2 allow IPFire_blue_network, delay_parameters 2) defines the throttling of the particular clients in the "blue zone". Allocation as under green.