work in progress

Many issues with Pakfire are related to incorrect DNS. Some issues are related to incorrect NTP settings (incorrect time on the IPFire box). Some are relate to no Internet.

Do you see an error similar to this?

Giving up: There was no chance to get the file "<package name>" from any available  server. 
 There was an error on the way. Please fix it.
PAKFIRE RESV: <package name>: Resolving dependencies...


pakfire: DOWNLOAD ERROR: The downloaded file (pakfire2/2.27.1-x86_64/meta/meta-core-upgrade-123) 
 wasn't verified by Sorry - Exiting...


DOWNLOAD INFO: HTTP-Status-Code: 500 - 500 Can't connect to 443 
 (Connection timed out)

pakfire: Giving up: There was no chance to get the file 2.27.1-x86_64/lists/server-list.db
 from any available server. There was an error on the way. Please fix it.

You either have no connection to the Internet or the DNS settings are incorrect. Fix that first!