New add-on as of Core Update 125.
Dehydrated is a client for signing certificates with a Let’s Encrypt server implemented as a relatively simple bash-script.
It uses the openssl utility for everything related to actually handling keys and certificates, so you need to have that installed.
Current features:
- Signing of a list of domains
- Signing of a CSR
- Renewal if a certificate is about to expire or SAN (subdomains) changed
- Certificate revocation
Dehydrated can be installed with the Pakfire web interface or via the console:
pakfire install dehydrated
The dehydrated configuration file is located at /etc/dehydrated/config
[root@ipfire]# cat /etc/dehydrated/config
# This is the main config file for dehydrated #
# #
# This file is looked for in the following locations: #
# $SCRIPTDIR/config (next to this script) #
# /usr/local/etc/dehydrated/config #
# /etc/dehydrated/config #
# ${PWD}/config (in current working-directory) #
# #
# Default values of this config are in comments #
# Which user should dehydrated run as? This will be implicitly enforced when running as root
There is no web interface for this Addon. To run this Addon open the client console or terminal and access the IPFire box via SSH.
To obtain a list of possible commands and parameters:
The output is similar to this:
Usage: /usr/bin/dehydrated [-h] [command [argument]] [parameter [argument]] [parameter [argument]] ...
Default command: help
--version (-v) Print version information
--register Register account key
--account Update account contact information
--cron (-c) Sign/renew non-existent/changed/expiring certificates.
--signcsr (-s) path/to/csr.pem Sign a given CSR, output CRT on stdout (advanced usage)
--revoke (-r) path/to/cert.pem Revoke specified certificate
--cleanup (-gc) Move unused certificate files to archive directory
--help (-h) Show help text
--env (-e) Output configuration variables for use in other scripts
. . .