IPFire 2.27 - Core Update 182 released

by Michael Tremer, January 3, 2024, Updated February 5, 2024

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The first update of the year 2024 is out: IPFire 2.27 - Core Update 182. Slightly behind schedule, as it has been a tough couple of weeks, but filled with even more good things!

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New Default Policy: Blocking Email Spammers

This release introduces a change in the default firewall policy for new installations: Blocking outgoing SMTP traffic from internal networks by default. We have recently seen that some installations have infected systems that send out large amounts of spam, resulting in unhappy consequences like having your firewall appear on blocklists and trouble logging into online banking.

We believe that this change that blocks any outgoing connections on port 25 (TCP) will stop this problem, as that port is only used for mailserver-to-mailserver communication. Client system will use Submission on port 587 or 465 instead and therefore this change should not cause any problems for almost all users, but block spam on the Internet. Existing installations won't see any changes.


  • GRUB, the boot loader is being updated in this release to version 2.12-rc1 Update: This has been reverted in an updated version as this release caused some problems for some users during the update (#13509)
  • Updated packages: dhcpcd 10.0.4, elfutils 0.190, gawk 5.3.0, harfbuzz 8.2.2, hwdata PCI 2023.09.22/USB 2023.11.0.8, IANA 20231026, iproute2 6.6.0, libsodium 1.0.19, jq 1.7, linux-firmware 20231114, Lua 5.4.6, man 2.12.0, mcelog 196, mdns-repeater 1.11, meson 1.2.3, OpenSSH 9.5p1, QPDF 11.6.1, SDL2 2.18.5, shadow 4.14.2, SQLite 3.44.1, Squid 6.6, strongSwan 5.9.12, sudo 1.9.15p2, texinfo 7.1, unbound 1.19.0, usbutils 017, xfsprogs 6.5.0, XZ 5.4.5
  • The CA certificate bundle has been updated


  • Tor: A deprecated configuration directive that used to log a warning message has been updated.
  • Updated packages: ALSA 1.2.10, clamav 1.2.1, dbus 1.14.10, Git 2.42.1, Ghostscript 10.02.1, minicom 2.9, minidlna 1.3.3, mpd 0.23.14, nut 2.8.1, P11-Kit 0.25.2, Postfix 3.8.3, QEMU + Guest Agent 8.1.2, spectre-meltdown-checker 0.46, strace 6.6, Tor