I have successfully configured a wireless Access-Point at 5Ghz. It works for Germany only at channels 36-48 because the higher channels needs “DFR”.
It need crda because the basic regdomain’s “EU” and “00” (World) blocks the AP mode at 5Ghz.
If you want to test it please make a backup of /lib/modules/ and the initramdisks at /boot and install the newest compat-wireless and crda update package:
cd /opt/pakfire/tmp
wget http://people.ipfire.org/~arne_f/testing/compat-wireless-2.6.37-4.ipfire.bz2
tar xvf compat-wireless-2.6.37-4.ipfire.bz2
After this set in /etc/modprobe.d/cfg80211 your regomain and reboot.
Now the allowed channels of your region should work with hostapd also at 5Ghz mode.